First, and fordecades, the trailer on Gulf Boulevard, just north of Paroda, was a ghastly ruin. Then, it became a remarkable red, white and blue statement encouraging everyone to vote. Now, it as become a lovely green shelter disappearing into the woodsy background. All steps in the right direction, for sure.
The property upon which the trailer sits and the adjoining lots to the north and the south have recently been donated to the Cedar Key’s own Florida’s Nature Coast Conservancy, hence the latest transformation of the trailer.
On Saturday, March 27, 2021, at 9:30 am until nearly 2 pm, FNCC folks gathered at the trailer for its facelift. Under the ever-so-able direction of Scott Dombrowski, Rick Anthony, Peg Hall, Jim Wortham, Karen Dombrowski, Dan and Carol Wilcox, and Jack Payne climbed ladders, cleaned the trailer roof, grabbed rollers and paintbrushes, and tamed the trailer. Others, Carol and Mandy Offerle, hauled trash and pulled vines.

More members, Jeri and Bob Treat and Russ Hall, dropped by for Dombrowski-Melt-in-Your-Mouth Baked Chicken and offered encouragement. Great camaraderie, great food, great planning, great purpose. The future use of the trailer is not yet specified. Whatever that is, it will, of course, echo the following FNCC mission.

The nearly 30-year-old Conservancy, as a land trust, “dedicated to acquiring land in trust for preservation, conservation, and or public recreation.” The mission further states, “The FNCC encourages, assists and educates local governments, communities and organizations in the acquisition of these environmentally endangered, historic or archaeologically significant lands.”